Dentist Bridges
Family Dentistry – Dental Clinic – Dentist Bridges QLD
Whether you want to stay there for a night or a week, you have plenty of choices in and around Bridges. And there is a good, reliable dentist nearby too. Eumundi Dental is terrific. In fact, I was sitting in the waiting room quite recently, nervously leafing through all the magazines while I waited my turn, when I was hugely cheered by coming across these results for an Ozwords Competition where entrants were asked to take an Australian word, alter it by only one letter, and supply a new and witty definition. You may already have heard some of these — or even thought them up yourself — but they should bring a smile to your lips anyway, especially if you are waiting to see the dentist.

Even if you only need a check-up or your teeth cleaned, that is the place to go — no need to feel anxious, because everyone is friendly, helpful and uncritical. They know about insurance possibilities and they are affordable too. Your children won’t mind going either, and we all know that by instilling good oral hygiene techniques in children from an early age it is a lot easier for them to transfer these habits into adulthood. Call Eumundi Dental today for an appointment.
Eumundi Dental and Dr Sarah Rose bring humanity into dentistry. Their philosophy is holistic too, which means that they are concerned with you as a whole, rather than just the bit that hurts. They are actually interested in what is behind your tooth decay or gum problems or abscess and want to resolve that once and for all and make sure it does not come back.

Eumundi Dental Clinic – Dentist Bridges
Everyone Can Afford The Dentist
At Eumundi Dental, we understand that dental treatment is expensive. So to make dental more accessible, we offer interest free payment plans through Denticare. We accept all health funds, credit cards, bank cards and cash. We also offer a 10% discount for Healthcare card holders, pension card holders and seniors (over 65).